
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Color Purpler Character letter

Dear God, Today was actually a good day. Mr.____ didn't beat me as much and thanks to me working extra hard yesterday I didn't have much to do today. All I said to was clean and sweep the house a bit. Harppo didn't give me much trouble today.Me and Shug went out to the porch and drunk some tea while the kids were playing in the yard.

oct 28 Write about a gift that was not well received?

 A gift that was not received well was when I gave a gift to my friend.I bought her some perfume and she thought that i was trying to say that she smelled bad.And she ended up going off on in her own birthday party.And after she stopped I explained to her that I bought it because she told me she liked it because it smelled good.

oct 29 Write about a time when you’d dressed inappropriately for the occasion?

 A them I dressed inappropriately was when I went to a dinner party and I was under dressed.Every one were in fancy suits and dresses and I was wearing ripped jeans and a trippie redd everyone started staring  at me I felt embarrassed for not dressing up for the event.

oct 27 Write about something you are certain of

 Something that i'm certain of is that i'm not a very social person. I've tried making talking to new people and making friends but it just doesn't work out.Either I don't know what to say to them or they're dry and even if I do manage to get past the first conversation and somehow become friends it usually then either they again are dry and I don't know what to say plus I don't like people that much. 

oct 26 Write about having no fun at all?

 A time I didn't have fun as when i was a third wheel on one of my friends date. At first it was supposed to be a group thing but everyone weren't able to make it so it was just me and them.I tried having fun but they were in their own little world and i was just there and I didn't have any fun at the end of the date.

oct 25 Write about a question you wished you'd asked

  A question I wished I asked was where were we going to my friend.So one day my friend got his drivers licences and he picked my up saying we were going a couple places.But he lied we didn't go to a couple places we went everywhere. We went to downtown Atlanta,Fulton,Decatur, we even went to his grandma's house.And I just wanted to go to the movies but when we got to the theater it was too late and they stopped showing that movie.So we ended up watching Dora at the end of the night. 

Oct 22 Write about something you can't deny

  Something I can't deny is that Donald trump was president.Like I can't wrap my head around the idea he had no experience in running a country and he was elected.He claimed he was going to run the country like all his business but they all failed and he filled for bankruptcy.Not only that hes a racist,sexist, and xenophobic. And hes has a lot of sexual allegations.

oct 21 Write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaning less?

 Something that I obsess over is my manga collection. I have over 40 plus mangas and I enjoy reading them and looking at how the characters react and fight. At the end of the day I know it meaning less and it wont get me anywhere in life.

oct 20 Write about something/someone being born?

My baby cousin was born almost 2 years ago and she's the cutest thing ever. But she's scared of me well she's scared of every but just me in general because of my braces. Before I got it she always got used to me fast and we used to play but after I got it she just scared of me.

oct 19 Write about something that was too small/too big

 Back in 2017 an anime came out called black clover. At first, people were ripping on it saying that it was just a copy of Naruto and other animes like it and I was one of those people who were ripping on it. But after really watching it and reading the manga and I fell in love with the plot and how good it is. And until this day I still read the new chapters that come out.

oct 18 Write about something that was too small/too big?

 When I first started to ride my skateboard my board was too small for me so I ended up tripping a lot and falling. It also made learning tricks on it a lot more difficult not only that apparently, but the barring on the board was also too big for the wheels. So every time I went down the hill I was going down it extremely fast and I just kept falling off my skateboard.

oct 15 Write about someone you forgot?

 So today I woke up early in the morning because I forgot to turn off my alarm. So I decided to go on Instagram and I went to my dms to see if  I had gotten any new messages from anyone and I didn't so I decided to scroll all the way down to see who I first messaged when I made my Instagram and I found this girl I used to talk too. And we were close we talked every day from the messages I saw and we just kind of stopped talking and I forgot about her.

oct 14 Write about so me thing that doesn’t get better?

 Something that does not get better is death. As everyone should know death is permanent and you can't escape it everyone dies at some point and it's something you can't avoid. A lot of people are scared of it because they don't know what will happen to them and that's why they are scared of it. 

oct 13 Write about what you’d planned to do?

 After high school, I plan on joining the military and after 10 years I'll retire with all the benefits I'd get from the military, and then I'd go back to school. I'd go to study computer science and I'd be a software developer.

oct 12 What about what you used to know how to do?

 I used to know how to ride a skateboard and do all sorts of tricks with it. But now after not riding one and not practicing for years, I've forgotten how to even do an ollie . I can't even do a kickflip anymore and it's frustrating because I spent a lot of time trying to learn how to ride and do tricks on a skate more but now i can't do it anymore.

Oct 6 Write about something you don’t exactly remember?

 When I was a kid I kind of remember doing some church work with my mom.From what I remember we walked for a long long time going around houses and different places talking to people from the church.Then I remember watching pink panther and falling trying to do a back flip.

Oct 5 Write about when you knew you were in trouble ?

 A time i knew I was in trouble was the time I spray painted as a kid.When I was a kid I had a green bike that I used to ride around.I loved it but i hated the color and I wanted a red bike so when I found out we had red and black paint I decided  to spray paint it.When I finished I was happy but i realized I got some of the paint all over the basement floor and when I saw that I knew I was in trouble.Then one night only God knows why but my mom went to the basement for some reason and found my bike and saw the floor and woke me up and beat me for doing that.

Oct 4 Write about what you have too much of?

The thing that i have to much of is video games.I have over 30 video games and i have about 30 unopened new games that i'm going to save and keep them in perfect condition so I can sell them.I also have a lot of mangas I have around 40 and i have 25 more coming in the mail.